Jan. 12, 2023

49: Mike and Teresa Florence - Motth: Find Your Light and Untether from the Darkness of Teenage Addiction and Depression

49: Mike and Teresa Florence - Motth: Find Your Light and Untether from the Darkness of Teenage Addiction and Depression

Mike and Teresa Florence have been married for 24 years and have 3 sons and 1 daughter.  Mike spent over 25 years in the global financial services and management consulting industry. Teresa earned a degree in early childhood development and spent 15 years working with children before leaving the workforce to focus on their family.  Mike and Teresa always had a passion for mental health and through their own experiences have begun a journey to create a community focused on providing support to caregivers of individuals struggling with mental health.

Mike and Teresa faced great challenges when their teenage son began struggling with addiction and depression. These were exacerbated by the complex and unwieldy process of navigating addiction treatment centers. They found the power of conversation and connection to be extremely therapeutic in navigating this harrowing journey.

Seeing that there were few resources that catered to this need for community and connection for caregivers, they developed an app called Motth, whose tagline is "Find your Light."

To learn more about Mike and Theresa's journey, and Motth, please visit motth.com, or connect with them on Instagram or Facebook.

Connect with Nikhil to learn more about Untether Your Life and other projects:



